OhYesPlease is a playful, undogmatic website for online courses on a variety of kink and sexuality topics. We believe in gender inclusive, shame and blame free education, from a body positive, risk aware, consensually informed perspective.
OhYesPlease is curated and produced by the team of Karada House.
When you pay through any of our payment services the abbreviated name of the course will appear on your statement without the OhYesPlease website details. We try to abbreviate the names in a way that you still know what you are buying but your bank or other providers get no insight into your private sphere.
At OhYesPlease you pay once for your chosen course and have lifetime access to that course. No hidden or extra fees.
Each of our courses considers that not everyone has the same interest, sexuality or connection constellation. If any course or exercise requires a partner or multi-person-combination, it will be indicated in the text. However we strive to make OhYesPlease’s content as accessible as possible.
OhYesPlease is a website based service, meaning all content is streamed directly from the site itself. When you purchase your course you have lifetime access to revisit our website and take in the information at your leisure. No apps, no downloads necessary.
During the checkout you will be asked to create an OhYesPlease account. You can choose your name and password by yourself. Once the purchase is complete and successful you can log into the website and enter your course at any time.
If you have already an account please make sure you are logged in before buying a new course. The new course will then be added to your account automatically.
You can log into your account HERE.